This website sprang to life in my friend's basement during the summer of 2020; its wardrobe changed a few times, but it was always a PHP-driven site that I (rarely) edited by hand. Now that I'm using a static site generator, things can be updated much more easily.
If you spot anything that might be a mistake, let me know! You can write to ainsleymae [at]
This site is built with Eleventy (version 2.0.1). It is hosted by Linode and served via Apache on a Linux machine running CentOS Stream. The domain is registered with Namecheap.
The banner image was taken by Pam Torres edited with GIMP.
The tiled backgrounds used in the "Halloween" theme come courtesy of Sadness' extensive collection.
The site favicon is an unaltered sparkles emoji from OpenMoji used with permission under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0).